This is my last one I have to do for this class YAY!!! Besides my outburst of glee, I still have to type this out. So my connection for this lovely morning is from Disney's Hercules. When little baby Herc got kidnapped by the little demon guys, he was supposed to drink all of a poison type potion thing that would turn him into a mortal. He was just about to drink the last little bit, when his new parents called out at exactly the right moment and he didn't turn fully mortal, earning him his future entitlement to a movie about him.
Yep, this blog is about fate. Of course, Hercules is an exaggerated vesion because it is Disney and they will make improbable situations like that. Regaurdless of that, what would have happend if the parents hadn't called out when they did, of Hades' little henchmen weren't so clumsy? Before that scene, Hades was talking to the Muses and they said that if he didn't do anything about Hercules, then he would foil Hades plans of world domination. In the movie, its obviously saying that you can't escape fate no matter what you do, Hercules would still save the day in the long run. But does that apply to real life? It's pretty hard to tell, since we don't have time machines. I personally beleive that there ae an infinite amount of parallel universes, whether or they they are accesable is irrelevant to this blog. So I believe that we have choices, and we can presume to choose them, but each choice forks off into a new situation or experience than the next. There's also the thought that our genes are preset so that our reactions and choices are pre determined. I don't really agree and I think this is long enough so I'm going on to my reflection.
In the last part of the book, Hilde and her father talk about the big bang. It makes you sort of look at things and realize how vast the universe is and how little we actually know. There could be book characters who have escaped their stories and are walking around right now hitting us in the head with wrenches to get our attention, and we wouldn't even know it. There are as many possibilities about the universe as people can imagine, and although we can assume they aren't true, there is absolutely no prof against it. So while we might think that we're dust mites of a strand of rabbit fur trying to climb to the top, that "hair" could be a peice of intricate bacteria we haven't dicsovered yet and this bacteria is searching for higher meaning by climbing deeper into a wormhole. We can say it's impossible, but Luna Lovegood said something along the lines of "it exists until proven non existy". And it's pretty hard to actually disprove that the tooth fairy doesn't just inspire the parents to deal in terms of teeth. So this book gave me the perspective that Socrates was right. "All I know is that I know nothing". That basically describes what I'm feeling right now, especially seeing as I have this final next hour and I know absolutely nothing. Anyways, thank you for reading this blog if you happen to stumble upon it. Maybe I'll taike up a legit one that I'm not forced to do for a class and be able to write about more interesting stuff.
- Sassafras
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