Friday, September 16, 2011


Hello, my name isn't Sassafras. But it's a cool word so that's what I'm calling myself. If you happen to find this blog and you aren't in my philosophy class at Groves High School, then you will most likely be confused. In this class we are reading a book called "Sophie's World" (it's actually a good book, I mean if you have to study it and pay attention to all the little school details then, as all school books, it looses its charm, but I would recommend it for pleasure) and my assignment is to reflect on it. Apparently taking a picture of a mirror with the book in it and posting it on your blog doesn't count :P Anyways, this is my first blog, so don't be surprised if I change the background and template every few days. And don't get your hopes up for anything subtle and non distracting, despite the fact that philosophy is thought of as more calm and thoughtful, my design skills are not. So  thank you for visiting and I hope this gives a little explanation. (Oh yeah, and Mr. Wickersham, this doesn't count as an actual blog. I'm just making a positive influence on the internet at 4:30 am).

~ Sassafras  

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